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My name is Jaelryna DeVir

I was born living with my parents as most children do. We were called gyspies, nomads and wanderers for the most part. My parents made a living from the skills they each possessed. My mother was a seer of sorts and had pushed to train me the best she could when I showed signs as well. My father was a hunter and would come home ever night with whatever game he had fallen and together as a family we would ready and prepare it for our nightly meal. My parents both worshiped the Lord Dakhoar, faithfully they made sure I knew who he was and his tenets. When I was still very young my mother had fallen gravely ill, my father was borrowing money from a nearby lord to pay the priests to heal her. He would hunt extra to try and trade of the coins but after several months they did not accept the game he caught.

I will never forget my final night with my parents. A group of men dressed in black, wearing masks over their face barged into our home, they knocked my father over the head with something hard, I could hear the 'thunk' eccho in the room. They then dragged him out leaving my mother and I there alone. A little later some of the priests showed, the whispered among themselves that my mother would not survive the night and so they took me to the nearest slave town.

I was sold to a older, strange man. He prayed to some godess Waylumi but not openly. I kept my mothers teachings secret from him and anyone else. The first time he heard me praying he had me attempted to force my faith from me by dunking my head into the fountain in his courtyard until I passed out, this went on for months because I refused to not pray to who I wanted. But after a time, I slowly learned, as a slave you have no choices, your life is not yours any longer. By the time I grew into adulthood my master had fallen by some strange disease and I was brought to Darmahk and put on the slave block.

I served my time as a slave to the Druid Vlaragon for a couple of days but because of reasons unknown to me I was sold to the Druid Threl. Both pushed me to use my abilites of singing, dancing and harp playing and perform for the people. After my last performance Master Threl gifted me with freedom saying it was the best performance he had seen in a long time.

I joined the monks in training for half of a year, not happy with this choice in life at all I decided to sit down and think long and hard on what I wanted out of life. I wanted to be able to serve the Overseer to the best of my abilities and that led me to speaking and eventually tasking with the Traders.

I am happy about my choices, I am happy in my life. May I serve the Overseer and the Dark Lord honorably

My loving and faithful companion


Tokala the manx
This young cat is a solid ebony black. Everything about him fur, nose, inner ears is black. The only thing, which stands out errily as if they were glowing is his bright amethyst colored eyes that keep ever watchful about him as he plays. His fur is well taken care of and smooth to the touch, giving him a sleek shine to him. He has long whiskers, very long and pointed canine teeth and a long and thick tail that helps him keep balanced well. Cup-shaped ears that swivel about as he listens to the goings on around him. He is carried by relatively short but powerful legs

 Ghost Orchid
This long stemmed leafless orchid looks like it might be made from crystalline smoked glass. The lower petal produces two long tendrils that twist slightly downward, resembling the back legs of a jumping frog. This flower has no leaves and seems to be floating in midair, hence its name of "ghost orchid". The flower's scent is delicate and subtle, and reminds you of fresh picked apples. The flower its self seems to have a druidic magical glow about it

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